

About Us

The organization started about fifteen years ago with the aim of offering high quality assessments in training and the English Language. Language examinations were marketed and organized in both Cyprus and Greece with great success. In the current year examination entries from Greece are flourishing.

During this same period the organization is recruiting Cypriot, Greek and Romanian students for UK universities. Hundreds of these students are sent to the University of Greenwich, the University of Essex, the University of Derby, Cambridge, Manchester, London and several others. From 2007 to 2011 the office in Nicosia was the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office for the University of Central Lancashire.

Another very important area of business is acting as consultants to colleges and universities in bringing about franchising agreements. Great success has been achieved with the Athens Metropolitan College and the University of East London. Other franchising links organized were with the University of Central Lancashire and the College of Applied Arts in Greece, and many more.

The main associates, George Antoniades and Foulla Hadjicharou, have very long experience in education and training. A total of over sixty years. George started his career as teacher at the American Academy in Larnaca, set up two training organisations, set up a college, and worked for some international companies before the formation of ESOLNET. Foulla worked for over twenty years with the British Council in various areas of responsibility, including Examinations Officer, before the setting up of ESOLNET.

There are at the moment some very important projects under consideration and there is both enthusiasm and planning for the second decade of the organization. Additionally, to the head office in Nicosia, an office in Larnaca deals with new concepts and business proposals.

Why Choose Us ?

The organization focuses on creating opportunities for young people to realise their dreams. Through professional counselling, individualised attention, and efficient processing of client interests, we bring young people nearer to their ambitions. Also, our professional advisory role with large organisations worldwide has produced impressive results for our corporate clients.

Whether a student looking for a course of study and advice, or a large organisation like universities and awarding bodies that need market intelligence and promotional partners, we can provide the reliable services based on fifty years of intensive experience in almost all areas of education and training.